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Did you know that lasers are now being used in dentistry to correct smiles and improve your oral health? Thanks to modern technology, laser dentistry has begun to explode, making your various oral health ailments easily removable with precision laser treatments. Actually, lasers have been used in dentistry as far back as 1994, but have also begun to find a boom in popularity due to the ease with which they can effectively treat your teeth. Here are some of the benefits:

– One of the most popular uses for lasers is in cosmetic dentistry and the application of teeth whiteners. Lasers can activate specialized gels designed to whiten your teeth and brighten your smile.
– If your gums around your teeth experience any abnormalities or hinder the function of your teeth, they can easily be zapped away and removed to clean up your smile.
– Cavities can be removed with laser dentistry. Lasers zap away the decay and clean teeth for the preparation of fillings to be placed in the holes left behind.
– Lasers can remove canker sores, zap away painful lesions on your gum tissue, and even remove a small amount of tissue for a cancer biopsy.
– To prevent bacterial contamination, lasers can prepare gums and tissue around teeth that need to be prepared for root canal treatments.

Book a visit with us to see if lasers can benefit your oral health. For a complete diagnosis from Dr. Tammy Perison and our team at our dentist office in West Seneca, New York, you can schedule an appointment at Tammy Perison, DDS Family and Cosmetic Dental Care, by calling us at 716-674-5256. The time is now to approach the rest of your life with a smile!